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(12 - 36 months)

Our toddler program provides the children opportunity to explore and gain an understanding of the world around them as we facilitate experiences to scaffold the children to reach their developmental milestones.


Children aged 12 to 19 months with a 1:4 ratio of Educators to children.


Children aged 19 to 36 months with a 1:6 ratio of Educators to children.


(3 - 4.5 years)

Our preschool program is designed to foster the children's readiness for kindergarten as they are learning through play. The Educators facilitate intentional experiences and provocations that are based on the child's interest as we scaffold the children to meet their developmental milestones.


Children aged 3 to 4 years with a 1:8 ratio of Educators to children.

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(4.5 to 6 years)

Our kinder program is designed to foster the children's social and emotional growth in an open ended play based environment where educators facilitate experiences to scaffold the children's milestones and nurture the child's disposition to learn through an inclusive nature inspired environment.


Children aged 4.5 to 5 years with a 1:10 ratio of Educators to children.


Kinder and Junior OSC Program with a 1:15 ratio of Educators to children.


After School (OSC)
(6 to 12 years)

Our Out of school care program is designed to help promote the children to recognize they are capable and unique individuals who are citizens as we support their needs. We provide opportunities for the children to seek persist, play and participate in a nature-inspired community.


Senior OSC Program with a 1:15 ratio of Educators to children.

We are facilitating enhanced ratio to foster the children's learning disposition and developmental needs to support an inclusive environment.

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